The MacDonnell ranges are essentially red sandstone mountains with stunning cut throughs from water erosion every 10-15kms (although each seems to have it's own elaborate aboriginal creation story attached to it). We've walked into almost all of the gorges, canyons etc. Some like Ellery Creek (left) have wonderful cool waterholes at the end. Most unfortunately however do not at the moment. With the shade temperature up around 40C most days we've now learned the hard way to try and get the walking done early or late each day or not at all. In one day we covered I think 7 gorges between 10am-5pm, walking conservatively around 15km (with me in the thongs I've had on since we left Sydney) on fairly stony dry creek beds. The outcome for me was pretty damaged heels - a bit like the SCG wicket on day 5 with plenty of room for Tony Greig to get the keys in - and a sunday slab of coopers green headache. Some moisturiser and utilisation of my walking shoes has thankfully fixed things up over the last week. There goes my no shoes challenge for the year.
The highlights really for me apart from the beauty of the surrounds have been the wonderful bush campsites we've found or been tipped off about and some of the people we've met. At Owen Springs we basically drove around 20kms on a roughish track past a ruined homestead and camped in a creek bed. This was the debut for our new mosquito dome tent which we picked up at Barbeques Galore Alice Springs for the knock down and incorrect price of $99. It worked a treat. There was also plenty of wood around in the creek bed so I was able to maintain a decent fire til almost midnight which was my latest night of the trip. Palm Springs was a similar distance off the bitumen south of Hermannsburg and was wonderfully quiet one night (with just a pair of adventurous poms Peter and Tracey for company) and very noisy the second night, but well worth it if you ever make it up this way. Being on a bit of a tourist trail now we've since caught up with Peter & Tracey at Kings Canyon and now also at Uluru. They've been great company and we'll both miss them when they make their way over to Cairns and we turn back south for the Flinders.
Last night was more successful and today we got up at 4.30 to see the sun rise and walk around the base.
We have now travelled something like 6,400kms (which on our general 1:1,000,000 scale map means we've travelled 6.4m of map). The most we've paid for diesel so far is $2.22 at Mount Dare (in hindsight fairly reasonable as it is South Australia's most remote pub). Generally though it's been under $2.00 which at our 8km/l works out around 25c/km. What has been of more concern has been the extortionate price of beer in NT in particular. Generally we've been able to pick up mid strength XXXX Gold for about $35/case but lately the going rate has been $62/case. Perhaps we could redirect FuelWatch efforts to a BeerWatch initiative? Here at Yulara you can only buy 6 take out bottles per day at a ridiculous $5.60 per bottle. $67 for 12 bottles is a national disgrace, although I did get RBTd coming back from the Uluru sunset last night and would have been a lot closer to the 0.05 if we weren't on such a tight budget.
We farewell Uluru and au revoir Peter and Tracey tomorrow and it's back off the beaten track - a fairly round about way down south to the Flinders via the Painted Desert (more gibber I expect), a big night at the awesome William Creek hotel, and hopefully avoiding another visit to Adam at the Pink Roadhouse (as we've ascertained now that ARB have misfitted the back step so it's impossible to get to our second spare from under the vehicle without some major work - something they'll have to sort at Christmas but leaves us a little bit exposed in the meantime). Love to all and if you want to just see pictures rather than read my crap I've put a load on facebook.
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