Not that Broome is a bad place to spend five nights, far from it.
We had of course the 'Staircase to the Moon' to enjoy and the Roebuck Bay park provided to be the best spot in town for a good uninterrupted view. There were a few bushfires around so it was a little hazy but the moon was a deep red as it came over the horizon. Spectacular.
We also pulled in for Sunday night crab racing at the Beer & Satay Hut with a fairly solid reminder the following morning of the benefits of our usual consumption of mid strength beer.

Challenger's new Broome office has outstanding views of Roebuck Bay, but has a bit of an ant problem, and it can get a bit hot. You also need to move your desk quite a bit to stay out of the sun. The hours were also a bit too long. Think of Challenger as Shylock, me as Antonio, and add 400 years of inflation. A stupid federal budget didn't help things either. Well done Kevin & Wayne. Idiots and economic vandals.

The real reason for hanging around was to catch up with the Mailers who jetted into town on Tuesday night. The last thing anyone wants after six weeks of hell packing up their life to move to the other side of the continent, is to have visitors already waiting for them. I don't think they minded too much though, and at least Rob had an independent witness when sleek geek Adam Spencer called from Sydney to see how the move was going. We've been listening to ABC Kimberley mornings (the show Rob will be producing) and there is a whole heap of room for improvement.
We got to take Champy down to the south end of Cable Beach, where it turns out it's perfectly acceptable to drive on to the beach, lay out your camp chair and then sit in it with no clothes on.

We had to pull in for a massive restock as there are no alcohol outlets for around 3 weeks and food where we can get it will be extortionate and poor quality. We're both so excited to be headed back into such remote country and to be back on one of the Savage/Lewis Adventure Treks. Disaster is never too far away of course. A flat bed truck brought a Pajero into our caravan park tonight. Expensive and inconvenient, so fingers crossed!

* A large Boab (variant of Baobab tree) which the Kimberley is famous for. Hopefully we'll come across some without yellow bins in front of them.
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